Are you curious about becoming a CASA Volunteer or a CASA donor? What foster kids need most is support. This section contains answers to the questions most commonly asked by those who want to help abused and neglected children in Nebraska. To start, follow one of the links below.

If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.

  1. Commitment: The vast majority of cases last one to two years, and the amount of time spent on a case per month typically averages 10 hours. CASA volunteers must make case time a priority in order to provide quality advocacy.

    Objectivity: Volunteers research case records and speak to everyone involved in a child's life, including their family members, teachers, doctors, lawyers, social workers, etc. Their third-party evaluations are based on facts, evidence, and testimonies.

    Communication skills: Once a volunteer has fully evaluated a case, they prepare a written report outlining their recommendation for the child's placement. They must be able to speak with authority as they present their rationale to the judge in court.

  2. CASA volunteers undergo a thorough training and development program that consists of at least 30 hours of pre-service training, followed by 12 hours of yearly in-service training. Volunteers learn about courtroom procedures from the principals in the system, including judges, lawyers, social workers, court personnel, and others. CASA volunteers also learn effective advocacy techniques for children and are educated about specific topics ranging from seminars on child sexual abuse to discussions on early childhood development and adolescent behavior.

    After completion of the initial training, volunteers are sworn in as officers of the court. This gives them the legal authority to conduct research on the child's situation and submit reports to the court.

  3. Nebraska CASA is always looking for individuals like you who want to get involved. Visit our What You Can Do section to find out ways to donate or volunteer opportunities in Nebraska.

  4. We have a responsibility to our community and our donors and work hard to ensure long-term sustainability of the organization. We make our IRS Form 990 available for review, as required by law. Visit our Financials page to learn more.

  5. Our organization takes our privacy policy seriously and takes steps to protect and ensure the safety of our supporters. We do not sell or otherwise disclose information about our volunteers or supporters outside of our immediate organization. This policy has no exceptions. We do not sell or exchange your information with any other organizations, public, private, or nonprofit.